Bryan Stephens

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Interesting Aura Photos

November 4th, 2007 · 3 Comments

Earlier this year both Maureen and I decided to go to a psychic fair. After walking around for a while we both decided to get some photos taken of ourselves by a special aura camera. Auras are electro-magnetic fields that surround the human body. We had watched others getting their photos taken and the results gave all sorts of different combinations of colours. We were both interested to see what ours would look like.

How does it work?  I do not know the full details, but we were required to place both of our hands on pads that had sensors on them. These pads were connected in some way to a special camera. A picture of this camera, pads and its specifications can be seen here. I suspect the sensors picked up the temperature or electro-magnetic energy of different parts of your hands and that determined the colours that showed in the final product, but that is just guessing.

Anyway, I was brave enough to get my photo taken first. After almost 2 minutes the lady who took the photo gave it to me. It showed a magnificent display of Pink, Red and Orange colours surrounding my body. This photo was different from any of the others that I had seen others get. It was then Maureen’s turn to get hers done. The lady that took Maureen’s photo was very surprised when she saw Maureen’s aura. The photo showed an aura almost identical to mine. We were all amazed because everyone elses auras were quite different to those of mine and Maureen’s. You can see the results for yourself below. Note you can find a sample of other types of auras taken by such a camera here


An aura photo taken of Maureen and me


After we were given our photo’s we were then entitled to a reading. The lady who gave me a reading told me quite a few details, but the main point that I remember was that I have a lot of passion about a project at the moment and that the project will succeed due to the great creativity I possess. I took it that my internet marketing was about to kick off. Strangely enough, shortly after I became a student of Stephen Pierce and my interent marketing has begun to take a turn.

We were given a colour interpretation as well and I will share it below.

Red – The first colour of the spectrum represents fire, passion and vitality.
Orange – This colour relates to ambition, drive and lateral thought. Self expression is important.
Yellow – The colour of the intellect. Yellow also shows an affinity to variety and happiness.
Green – The central colour of the spectrum, Green signifies balance. Healing and teaching are enhanced.
Blue – Peace and truth are associated with Blue, showing an ability to demonstrate sensitivity and contentment.
Violet – The mystical, magical colour. Eroticism, charm and enchantment can appear with Violet.
Pink – A light shade of Red. While active, the added White modifies the vibration to create the love colour.
White – A combination of all the colours, representing the ability to tap into all energies.

Both Maureen and I feel that having similar auras means that we possess similar energies near us that assist in the attraction between us.

Tags: Family Matters · Friends · Self Development

3 responses so far ↓

  • 1 Rajesh G // Dec 1, 2007 at 2:34 pm

    Bryan – That is a great interpretation for the colors you have mentioned. It is certainly going to be a great motivating factor & the general and the feeling towards the colors will definetely change when they read your blog.

    Also – Aura Photos are looking stunningly great . I just liked them & the color combinations are also mind-blowing. I am thinking of buying of such Aura Camera for myself

  • 2 Ann parnell // Aug 27, 2010 at 12:48 pm

    Bryan, Hope this finds you out there somewhere. Beautiful colours in the aura photos. Clarity of colour is so important …..probably what I look for first…..and I would agree with the interpretation of the colours in that moment. Good balance……Someone may be able to add more……cheers Ann

  • 3 Bryan // Aug 28, 2010 at 11:07 am

    Thanks Ann, glad that you found this page with our auras. I am still amazed at how close they resembled each other. We enjoyed the meditation last night 🙂

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